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clear & metal braces - - Bret Johnson Orthodontics

Month: April 2021

Are You Concerned About the Future of Your Child’s Oral Health?

Posted on April 29, 2021

Today, over 4 million people in America wear braces per the American Association of Orthodontists. Part of that 4 million includes children—children who have gaps that need to close, crooked teeth, and misaligned jaws. There are still many more children who need early orthodontics. Children aged between 9 to 14 are the perfect candidates for… Read more »

5 Reasons to Get Braces for Adults

Posted on April 2, 2021

When braces are mentioned, the first thought conjured is of braces for teens and preteens. Nevertheless, braces are becoming more common for adult patients. Millions of adults already have braces. Even more, are becoming interested in braces for adults. Are you uncomfortable with your smile? It’s harder as a working adult to socialize and portray… Read more »

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