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Start Early, End Early: Braces for Teens and Children

Posted on December 29, 2020

Teeth truly are a wonderful thing, even if we never stop to think about them. They are one of those facets of our bodies that we seemingly take for granted until they’re gone. Even our smiles, which convey so much about our personality, rarely get a passing thought unless we notice that they’re out of alignment or unhealthy in some way. Lucky for us all, we live in a day and age where braces for teens can fix many of the teeth issues that may impact our oral health later in life.

Not only are there more options for braces than ever, but braces need not be a lifelong event or even worn for an obnoxiously long stretch of time. In fact, the average length of time a person will need to wear braces is about 2 years. When you pursue braces for straight teeth and not to correct other alignment issues, sometimes the length of treatment can be even shorter.

So why is today the best time to get braces and how they can impact health in later life? From being able to choose between traditional metal braces and Invisalign braces to having shorter turnaround times, the modern age is truly the best time to get braces as a teen.

Why Delay a Healthy Smile?

One of the benefits of getting braces as a teen or child is that you never have to delay having a wonderful smile full of straight teeth. Instead of spending years or many months as an adult going through the trials and tribulations of orthodontic treatment, you can give your child quality treatment now. This allows them to have a straight, healthy smile that opens social and professional opportunities for them. The value of this is hard to estimate and the potential of how much it is worth is yours to guess. After all, a great smile is one of the first impressions that people get from someone and it can open many doors.

You Can Catch Problems Earlier

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of 7, even though baby teeth are still present and will eventually fall out. By seeing how your child’s teeth are in their early stages, orthodontists can make corrections so that they receive braces for straight teeth as well as to correct any teeth grinding or misalignment that would eventually cause more complicated issues. Instead of allowing your child or teen to grind their teeth or suffer from an overbite, these issues can be found and corrected sooner rather than later. When you catch problems early, they are easier to correct than fixing issues that have had more time to set.

There Is More Choice Than Ever

There is really no reason to delay getting quality orthodontic treatment as a child or teen anymore. Especially since there are more quality providers and treatment options than ever before. If your teen or child is worried about getting teased with traditional metal braces, they no longer have to endure such a thing. Invisalign and other invisible braces are just as accessible in the marketplace as traditional metal braces once were, sometimes at a lesser cost.

With invisible braces, you will get the same quality treatment that you would with metal braces but be able to remove them to eat and clean your teeth. When you flash a smile with invisible braces, it will be barely recognizable that you’re wearing plastic molded to your teeth. In this way, your teen or child can go through braces treatment and get an amazing smile without anyone but them even knowing. It really is the best way to get braces for straight teeth that combines all the qualities you’d want together. Call Bret Johnson Orthodontics today to learn more about your treatment options.

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